Civil society

Meijers Committee publishes note on proliferation of ‘WK’ documents in the Council

Expert committee voices concern about the consequences of informal Council document category for transparency law and the democratic legitimacy of EU legislation.


Council to appeal the Pech judgment

Institution’s step comes after its Legal Service advices member state ambassadors to initiate proceedings, on grounds left invisible to the public.

They’d rather not have their expenditure of EU funds checked for rule of law breaking elements.

Regulation 1049/2001 anniversary event now online for viewback

TrUE / OGEU blog webinar marking the 20th anniversary of Regulation 1049/2001 on public access to EU documents can be viewed back on the Eric Castrén Institute website until 31 August.

Implementation Research

EU communication – the Elephant in the Room

The need to communicate political achievements and to communicate them well is a pivotal but overlooked lesson in the EU, Reneta Shipkova argues. Her recent book provides concrete tips to remedy this hiatus.

Credit: author.