Implementation Jurisprudence

Landmark access case requires Parliament to publish legislative negotiation documents fully and immediately

In the landmark De Capitani case delivered on Thursday 22 March, the EU’s General Court requires the European Parliament to publish legislative negotiation documents (known by EU insiders as the “trilogue four-column document”) not only fully, but also immediately.

Emilio de Capitani (photo credit: EUD Observatory/YouTube)
Implementation Legal reform

Transparency of EP committee votes kept off the agenda

The EP’s two largest political groupings, the EPP (people’s parties) and S&D (social democrats), are keeping the item of public voting in parliamentary committees off the agenda.

Implementation Oversight

Dalligate tests the European Parliament’s oversight over the Commission

A few weeks ago, the European institutions were shaken by a series of events which, at first sight, could constitute the plot of an institutional thriller. Indeed, Dalligate is a test of strength for parliamentary oversight of the Commission, Maarten Hillebrandt argues.

Legal reform

Talks on access regulation collapse; Presidency to try an alternative route

Talks on the revision of the European access to documents regulation have collapsed. The Danish presidency has been unable to reconcile the widely diverging views of parties around the table.