
Member states & EU actors jump packed transparency bandwagon

All 27 EU member states, four responsible Commissioners, the European Ombudsman, and a cross-party coalition of 37 MEPs sign up to vaguely-worded “Transparency Pledge”.

Image credit: WUA Global.
Legal reform

IIA on a ‘mandatory’ lobby register published in the Official Journal

Publication concludes a negotiating process that lasted more than four years. Critics still see many obstacles to the proper public scrutiny of lobbyists’ influence on EU decision making.

Representatives of the three institutions announce the conclusion of the negotiations for the IIA on mandatory lobby transparency in December 2020.
Civil society Implementation

Revision of press policy floated by Commission makes waves

Commission proposal to also allow non-Brussels based press into off-the-record briefings is criticised by Brussels journalists for undermining the trust relationship required for quality journalism – while others question the press corps’ commitment to openness.

The Berlaymont Press Room. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

New Commission communication on law making calls for ‘increased transparency’

Latest Commission communication appears to reframe transparency commitment made in the 2016 interinstitutional agreement on better lawmaking.