Legal reform Oversight

European Ombudsman conference: Technological change, legal reform?

Part II: The expert panel sees problems aplenty with Regulation 1049/2001 – but not everyone is keen to trade it for something else.

Conference signals start of a broader call to reopen revision of EU access to documents law. Second part of two reports on where the EU stands with access to documents.

Credit: @GundiGadesmann / European Ombudsman
Legal reform Oversight

European Ombudsman conference discusses access to documents law in changed technological context

Part I: In the high-level panel, everyone agrees to move forward – in their own direction.

Conference signals start of a broader call to reopen revision of EU access to documents law. First part of two reports on where the EU stands with access to documents.

Photo: snapshot from conference livestream.

Can the EU’s policies against fake news restore trust in journalism?

When reading the EU’s policy papers to tackle fake news, one might get the impression that digitalization and fake news are the main culprits of the current challenges to journalism. Keeping the EU’s market-oriented regulations for the media sector in mind, however, Asimina Michailidou, Elisabeth Eike and Hans-Jörg Trenz argue that the understanding of media as regular businesses instead of important democratic institutions is the main problem.

Civil society

NGO-run EU access request portal marks 10th anniversary

Over the first decade of its existence, has built a strong reputation among EU civil society, journalists, and researchers.