
7th Global Conference on Transparency Research takes place next week in Copenhagen

After a year of postponement, the 7th edition of the GCTR, organised by Copenhagen Business School, takes place from 18-20 May under the banner “Rethinking Transparency: Challenging Ideals and Embracing Paradoxes”.


Recent academic publications on EU transparency

A number of recent academic publications emphasise new avenues of inquiry related to strategic (in)visibilities in EU decision making.

Oversight Research

ECI researcher provides expert testimony in Dutch Parliament’s European Affairs Committee

Round table on EU information provision hears Aidan O’Sullivan (European Ombudsman), Maarten Hillebrandt (Eric Castrén Institute and Meijers Committee) and Mendeltje van Keulen (Hague University of Applied Science) provide testimony on public access to documents and parliamentary scrutiny.

Photo: screen shot from Debat Gemist

Call for Expressions of Interest: The Shared Management of EU Funds in Comparative Perspective

Three researchers organise exploratory workshop in Brussels in 28-29 April 2022, with long-term aim of creating research community in the area of NGEU spending implementation.