
Seminar on Transparency and Archives in the EU reveals a wide range of views

A seminar was held at the European Union Institute in Florence on 25 January 2013 with the title: “Transparency and Access to the Records and Archives of the EU Institutions”.


Special workshop “Legitimacy 2.0: Transparency Online”, Belo Horizonte (Brazil)

E-transparency is currently one the fastest-growing branches of transparency research. As Albert Meijer of the Open Government research group argues: “Modern day transparency is Internet transparency.” The special workshop Legitimacy 2.0: Transparency Online allows participants to discuss this topic in the context of the philosophy of (social) rights.


“EU Ombudsman Blasts EC for Denying Document Access”

Issues of integration, especially of economic integration, and the attached debate on national sovereignty are ranking high among the EU’s perceived transparency gaps these days.

Implementation Oversight

Dalligate tests the European Parliament’s oversight over the Commission

A few weeks ago, the European institutions were shaken by a series of events which, at first sight, could constitute the plot of an institutional thriller. Indeed, Dalligate is a test of strength for parliamentary oversight of the Commission, Maarten Hillebrandt argues.